Saturday, October 8, 2011

Good-Time Thursday

Every Thursday, I get pumped up to see one of the worst shows on television.  Its so bad its good.

Italian, but call us a derogatory name for short.

Do I know that I'm watching a group of alcoholic nymphomaniacs whose biggest complaint in life is that they couldn't get laid tonight because there wasn't enough gel in their hair?  

The answer to that question is yes, of course I know what I'm watching.

What you might think I'm going to say is that we watch this garbage to escape the monotony of our daily lives.  Most people don't want to come home and watch something mentally stimulating because they've been stressed out all day.  We all need a break, right?  A way to blow off steam and / or relax our brain muscles.  

Well maybe that's why you watch reality TV, but I have an entirely different reason.

I watch these gems-and really, that's the only proper name for them-because they prove me wrong, in so many ways, about human intelligence.

Its simply amazing to me.

To watch them act foolish, and tell the world all about their foolish thoughts and feelings, really pushes the limits of stupidity.  Humanity has come so far in countless areas-medicine, space exploration, the arts, yet here are people who probably can't read the newspaper.

I don't watch them to feel better about myself, or to live vicariously through their crazy shenanigans.  I say no thank you to STDs and cirrhosis.

I keep tuning in, every Thursday, to see how far they might go, or if they might slip up.  Maybe this time, just once, they will give themselves away and admit that everything is scripted.  After all, humans can't be that stupid, right?  RIGHT??

That wall is such a jerk!

I don't see these people as human beings, I see them as animals, and that is why I can laugh every week when I see them peeing in bars, having sex on the same bed as their roommates, farting nonchalantly, or leaving a toilet to fester for days on end.

If I thought of them otherwise, I might second guess the progress of all humankind.  If people like these exist, how the hell do we expect to go much further?  

I understand that not everyone wants to watch the Discovery Channel before bed, but entertainment doesn't have to be tacky and tasteless.  

My suggestion?  

Give me a show filled with extraordinary taste, unmatched humor, and lighthearted commentary on current events that everyone is thinking but no one wants to ever admit.

Bring back Beavis and Butthead.   


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