Wednesday, October 5, 2011

She Has It All

Let's just talk about one of the greatest albums of the year.  Maybe of this decade.  

Adele has really impressed me, and the rest of the world, with her refreshing vocals and songwriting.

Its not too often that you can say-and really mean-that a musician in this day and age has talent.  Most of the time when we admit that, we mean they know how to dance and shake their butts in front of a large crowd of teenyboppers.  Auto-tune does the rest.

What I love most about Adele is that she has a raw and very real talent, and live or not, she lets the whole world know.  When you can sound as good onstage as you can in the studio, you are meant to be a singer.

Another reason why this singer is so awesome-and getting more awesome by the minute-is she doesn't (so far) give a crap about body image.  The rest of Hollywood is literally dying (from anorexia) because they want to be skinny and beautiful, but not Adele (though she is still very beautiful):

This quote alone makes this woman my hero.

Aside from her amazing voice, she also writes the lyrics for her own songs!  They're not too fancy or trashy; no, you won't ever hear her talking about guns, sex, or clubs.  This just goes to show how an artist can be successful without selling out, without talking about trash to make a quick buck. 

Her lyrics are real, and that's why so many people can relate to and love her songs.  She doesn't talk about being famous, she talks about love and heartache, something everyone goes through.

In my opinion, however, her biggest achievement is the way in which she got her golden ticket.  

We need members!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, her way to fame was paved by Myspace.  This web site, as you know, is dwindling in numbers and popularity.  Its now mostly occupied by-well, no one, since everyone has already moved onto the ever-growing Facebook.

Why is this is so amazing, you ask?

Because Myspace is dying, and everyone knows it.  Yeah, she was noticed on it a few years ago when it wasn't quite six feet underground, but Facebook was on fire from the moment it went online.  

So that, my friends, is why I respect her the most.  Because she used Myspace as a tool to become the greatest singer in the world.  

My next prediction:  she will lose fifty pounds and say she did it to become healthy, not because she was worried about body image.

They all do that.  Every celebrity says they don't give a sh*t if the media thinks they put on a few pounds, but then a week later, they aren't fat anymore.  

But diabetes isn't funny, and neither is crying your eyes out every night because the National Enquirer is putting your cellulite on blast every Saturday.

Just sayin. 

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