Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I P.Diddied.

Whenever I do anything stupid or more jerk-like than normal, I'm going to start saying "I P. Diddied."  

Everything this guy does stems from his grossly overvalued self-importance, and to be honest, he was never that good at anything.  He's a black man who can't dance, can barely rap, and doesn't make music anymore.  The only positive-he was friends with one of the greatest music artists of all time.  I won't even talk about his failed reality show that created a handful of sub-par hip-hop groups (who, by the way, are where now?). 

Yet for some reason, he still thinks he's entitled...to everything.  It's not surprising to me, though, that no one has broken the news to him.  No one has said, hey friend, your name sounds like the accident my child had in his bed last night, or maybe you should take a break from being famous because you aren't too good at it.

So why is he still famous?  Why are people still clinging to him like he is some kind of...music star?

Because he's an a**hole with money, but mostly because he has money.

Yo, I just took a dump on your windshield.

When  you have lots of money, no one really cares if you are a good person.  They only care if you are paying them or giving them free gifts.  So I expect to see P.Diddy surrounded by an entourage of a few dozen burly men or tramped up women.

The fact that he recently threw ice at another man for drinking a Vodka that he doesn't endorse just confirms (once again) how big of a D-bag he is.  No mature person would ever do that to another adult, especially in the middle of a crowded club where I'm sure everyone was on their way to being drunk.  You can bet that if it was just a random guy throwing ice at someone else, they would get punched in the face (at the very least).

And he says sorry.  

Sorry, I threw ice at you.  I'd believe him if he didn't do that kind of thing ALL THE TIME.

I just have a tidbit of advice--

Don't P.Diddy me and I won't P.Diddy you.

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