Tuesday, October 4, 2011


The only thing that could make me happier than watching a movie about monkeys is watching a movie about talking apes.

Planet of the Apes is definitely my favorite movie of the summer.

I don't even know where to begin with this blockbusting gem.

Perhaps I'll start with my irritation at the cruel treatment of animals, and for the sake of brevity, I will just talk about abuse at labs.  Obviously this is exactly what the director wanted us to see, and its a problem that will never get old until its solved.  

Now obviously no one thinks its okay to torture cute little bunnies and monkeys for the sake of scientific testing, but it has to be done nonetheless.  We can't use people, after all.  We are animals, by the way, just a superior type of animal.  So what's our next best option?  Animals that can't talk.  

It breaks my heart to see or hear about animals suffering, but if you think about it, how much medicine WOULDN'T we have without animal testing?  Isn't that what scientists do?  Inject little bunnies and monkeys with serums and vaccines so that people can get better?  

So what's worse-eliminate all animal testing, and subsequently, tons of medicines that could potentially cure various diseases and illnesses, or do we keep on torturing those precious little bunnies so little Johnny won't die from the flu?

GOO!  Maybe we SHOULD forget about animal testing.  Look what the meds did to Tiny Tim.

We root for the mistreated in this movie, but what if the humans were the ones being caged?  Its not just a matter of treating animals better, but each other, our possessions, our planet.

I don't think this movie is an Oscar winner.  The story could have been more compelling.  Basically a dude's pet grows brains and gets tired of getting crazy drugs injected into his body.

It lacked umph, the spark that makes films truly great.  

But overall, I liked it a lot, and I will definitely be adding it to my already large movie collection.  

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