Monday, October 3, 2011

Kids Rule, Adults Drool

You know what's hilarious?  How a movie called Dolphin Tale is currently number one in the box office.

Its about a dolphin who loses his tail to a crab trap and then receives a prosthetic one from a doctor.

I'm sure its a wonderful movie, but what more could they possibly say after he gets his spanking new tail?  Shouldn't that be the end of the movie?   Hooray, he lives happily ever after!  But wait, there's more!

Now we just have to think of a way to make this movie longer.  About 80 minutes longer.

I'm sure its a wonderful movie, and I would love to see it, but not for $10.  With the way movie prices are now, its only logical to carefully choose the movie you want to see based on critics' reviews and your own judgment of its epicness.  Everything else can wait until DVD or RedBox.

Final thoughts:

Isn't it quite funny  how some of the best movies target child audiences?  Dolphin Tale, Lion King, and okay, there aren't many kid movies out right now, but think about your average adult film versus something of Lion King or Toy Story's caliber.  There is simply no comparison, and I don't mean because the target audiences are so far apart in age, but I mean this because children's movies are always better.


Yes, I know, there are always exceptions.  A few adult films will beat Lion King's epicness.  BUT-only a few.  Just think about how many crap films are released every week (Drive Angry, Abducted, Dream House), and then think about anytime a children's movie is released.  The reviews are always positive, and they always create a huge fan following.  This isn't because children are easily entertained by bright colors and shiny objects, but because creators actually took the time to develop an interesting plot and characters.

I don't think I'm alone when I say that I'm tired of seeing an overkill of action, sex, and violence.

Just because you can make a movie R rated, doesn't mean you should.  An R rating doesn't equal a four star, Oscar-winning blockbuster.

In conclusion, maybe these jaded adults need to get in touch with their inner child and make a movie worth watching.  Just because crappy movies make tons of money opening weekend doesn't mean they're good; it's called a lack of options.  

You don't see Simba acting a fool when he comes back to the pride land, do you?