Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hate Crime

The following crime is so RIDICULOUS that I don't even know where to begin.

In a nutshell-a group of young, white men in the south were sitting around at a party, drinking, and decided that it would be a good idea to "go f*ck with some n*ggers." They promptly found a black man in a random parking lot, beat him, and then ran him over with a giant pickup truck.

The ringleader of this outdated crime is pleading not guilty to capital murder.

Um, I don't know if you know this, but everything was caught on camera.

So, my question is, and I really am quite confused about this whole thing, how the hell does this kid expect a jury to find him not guilty when there is video evidence of him beating and running a man over?

Deryl Paul Dedmon, 19, pleaded not guilty Friday to capital murder charges.
I'm white.  Free me.

The fact that he thinks he is not guilty clearly shows the world how deluded he really is.  Can you imagine the type of upbringing this poor soul had?  The type in which his family told him how men of a different skin color are worth less than nothing, so if you beat and kill one, don't worry, because its quite all right.  No one will miss them.  

The real question is not whether this kid is guilty, but if we should feel sorry for him.  Is he incorrigible?  If we let him out of prison, will he run around the south, killing men because they're black (again)?

Or, if we give him another chance, will he actually learn that what he did was wrong?  


Are the things we learned during childhood so ingrained and irreversible that everything we absorbed will stay with us forever?  

Do people change?

We don't like anything brown.  Chocolate is next.

My final opinion is this--

This idiot was obviously not drunk enough to claim he didn't know what he was doing (as he drove a freaking truck, searched for and found a man to victimize).  

Next-regardless of his upbringing, he still committed a crime.  Send his a** to prison.

Finally-given his young age, don't send him to prison for the rest of his life.  It's not his fault that he was taught to demean and literally kill other people.  That way of thinking was not his choice.  Not at first.

He's going to have a LOT of time to think about what he's done while he is in prison.  After about a decade, evaluate his progress, and then either give him probation or leave him to rot in the hell hole he crawled into. 

The sad part is, there are plenty of other men like him in prison, willing to take him under their wing and reinforce their racist, extremist thinking.  Therefore, the chance of his rehabilitation is slim to none...

From the minute he was born, this kid had no chance.

So maybe you don't feel sorry for him, but I do.  

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