Tuesday, October 18, 2011


There are a few things that upset me about the new season of House.

First of all, Mr. Laurie has a horrible haircut, and is also balding. No one wants to fantasize about a man losing his hair.

'Hallo, there, don't look at my hair!

He used to be hot, you know, during seasons 1-last.  I'm willing to look past his aging, because we all know looks can't last forever, but mostly I am willing to compromise because his character is so awesome.

Next, I am quite upset because no one from last season is on the show anymore.  Should I count Foreman?  No.  Should I count Wilson?  Eh.  

Foreman is the douchiest douche I've ever had the misery to watch on television, so I am really mad that they chose him to stay over the other characters now MIA.

Wilson is a wimp.  I don't like watching people with no backbone.  Its called having a weakness, not possessing a likable quality.  I have to admit, though, I did feel some satisfaction when he punched House in the face.  That was quite uncharacteristic of him.

The one character I do like (besides House, of course) is his new sidekick. What's her name?  I don't know.  All I know is that she has the balls to speak her mind, and usually, she is right on point.  She may seem like the timid girl next door, but anyone who can punch a guy for sexually assaulting her automatically wins 500 brownie points in my book.

I'm a little curious to see where this season will go.  I don't know how I feel about it not being the same old House-person is sick, House has an epiphany, person lives 99.9% of the time.  

My final thought-I don't know.  I will have to form an opinion three episodes from now, when things will hopefully level out.

1 comment:

  1. House is still hot in my book, and shaving his hair off was super hot! Not so sad to see Olivia Wilde go, she was getting a little annoying. Totally agree Foreman is a douche and House's new assistant (name??)is awesome. Just when you think she's going to be a wimp she drops a great line..."don't forget I punched the last doctor I worked with" .
