Friday, October 14, 2011

Yeezy fo Sheezy

We all know Kanye is the epitome of d-bag.  He is selfish, narcissistic, conceited, really short (extreme turn-off), and he wears women's clothing.

And it ain't the only piece of women's clothing I wear.  

I'm sure we could come up with about ten thousand more synonyms for how much of an a**hole this guy is, or how weird he acts, but at this point I think its fairly obvious to everyone.

People seem to forget, however, that Kanye West is a musician.  His goal is not to make people love HIM, although it would be highly beneficial for his career, but to love his MUSIC.

Yeah, he thought he was a robot for awhile. And yes, he did do the unthinkable and interrupt someone's acceptance speech.

I'm just saying what you're thinking.  (It's true, he was).

Its really no one's fault but his own, and sadly, all of his ridiculous antics have blinded people to the quality of his music.

I can understand how an image can influence the number of record sales, but if that musician is actually talented, it shouldn't matter much.  Why should you care about what kind of person they are if their music is good?  Do people really-REALLY-sit and think, "well by golly this song is catchy but I'm not going to let myself like it because the singer drinks too much and interrupts acceptance speeches?"

This is why I don't like where the music industry is going right now.  People care more about an image than what is actually coming out of the speakers.  It can be a crappy song, but if you wear enough glitter, it'll hit the top of the charts.

Glitter on the weekend, war paint during the week.

See what I mean?  Yet people actually like this ridiculous excuse for a music artist more than they like Kanye West.  I still don't understand how someone who can't sing becomes famous for it.

Let's switch back to Kanye.  With the exception of 808s and Heartbreak, every album he's made has turned to gold.

The College Dropout, his breakthrough album, was nominated for a couple Grammys.  Jesus Walks anyone?  Through the Wire?  Everyone loved this album for its fresh reminders of the social problems we face, and for its sarcastic yet honest humor.To combine those elements into a catchy album is a feat unto itself.  In short, go Kanye!

Late Registration was even better.  It was like he took College Dropout and injected it with steroids.  More money did not equal more problems for this album.

Graduation was a departure from his first two babies.  It was a little more poppy, but it was feel-good music.  You could work out at the gym or drive around town listening to Stronger or Can't Tell Me Nothing and feel like you could take on the world.

There was a problem with this one, though, and its called the "big headed disease."  Too much success gave him a big freaking dome, and this is where his idiocy began.

I don't know why this was cool to him, but he started to consider himself a robot.  Yes, he really did.  That's when 808s & Heartbreak came out.  It was an insult to music everywhere.  Everyone either laughed at its ridiculously Autotuned lineup, or they cried in disgust.  

I have to admit-for awhile there, I started to lose faith in Kanye.  How can you go from one of the best albums of the year to being a robot?

Awesome, original.  2005.

Kanye, those don't work in the sun.  And your mouth is open.  2009.

The next year is when the ill-fated VMas incident occurred, after which Yeezy promptly set himself on hiatus.  

Now everyone else was having their doubts, saying he was a jerk and never wanting to play his music on the radio.  Even now he barely gets any airtime.

But I knew he was coming back, after the 808 shenanigans and the VMA outburst, he was going to make another album and it would be glorious.  Then, it happened-

My Beautiful Dark and Twisted Fantasy.

This is easily the best hip-hop album of the year.  There are only two songs that haven't been released as singles yet, and that's probably only because they haven't gotten around to it yet.

Just to come full circle-it doesn't matter how much of a jerk a person is, if they make good music, that's all that should matter.  So I say let's forget about his character, ignore his outlandish behavior, sit back and listen to some awesome tunes.  

Otherwise, you are going to remain forever butt-hurt over anything that comes out of his mouth.  

I never said people change, just that we should ignore them if they suck. 

About My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.  

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