Saturday, December 31, 2011

Crazy 'Rents

There seems to be an ongoing trend with parents binding their children and then posting the pictures online.  There are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin, but I guess I will start with the two most famous instances of these model parents...

The first is a man from Chicago who decided it was a good idea to tie his child up because she allegedly hit him back when he punished her for something...

Yeah, this is really going to stop your kid from hitting you in the future.

First of all, seeing this picture is disgusting.

Secondly, this guy must've dropped out of high school to be this dumb.  Tying your child up is not only really weird anyway, but what makes him think that a bunch of strangers or people he half-knows on facebook are really going to think this is funny?  Did he think the police would be entertained?  Sure were when they hauled him off to jail, weren't they?

Now I doubt that he was really going to torture his little girl, because if he was, he wouldn't be posting pictures of it online.  Seeing as how he lacks any form of common sense, I just don't know whether to pity him, or pray for him.  Actually, on second thought, forget that.  This fool is a grown man, and as such, should have a pretty good understanding of right versus wrong.  I'd be more comfortable knowing that CPS has taken his offspring away so he can't permanently damage them.  

Next on the list of 2011's best parents is a lovely pair from Arizona.  They also thought it would be funny to tie up their kid.  At least the first guy put a reason down on facebook, even if it was a lame one.  But these gems in the West just thought it was funny.  That's it.  

Don't they look like a funny pair?

Do these look like the type to play jokes?  Uhh, I think not.

At this point I'm wondering where the line of stupidity started.  So we have two couples, completely unrelated, and both tied up their children and shared the picture with the rest of the world. 

Now, did their parents teach them to tie things up?  Were they tied up?  Is their lack of common sense a link in a long chain that started centuries ago from their equally dumb ancestors?  

Or is society playing a role in their disgusting behavior?  Does the media somehow give them the idea to tie people up and blast it on a social networking site?  After all, our attitude towards violence has become jaded, to say the least, and our sense of humor has become more and more crude over the years as people realize they have a right to say whatever they want.

Maybe it's the dumb gene AND the media.

It makes me wonder what Darwin would say about natural selection in this case; they won't really die off because they are idiots, but instead they'll be shoved in a prison that will eventually release them because of overcrowding.  

Mon Dieu, have we gone beyond natural selection?!  If so, how long will the weak and dumb continue to plague our planet?!



all...(Come on ladies, these two aren't even attractive)

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