Friday, September 30, 2011

MJ's Killer.

Isn't it fairly obvious that this guy is GUILTY?!

I mean, yeah, everyone deserves a fair trial.  But this guy literally did kill Michael Jackson.  He gave him a lethal dose of a drug, and the singer died.  

So why is he fighting it?  Cop a plea deal, fool.

Does he really-REALLY-think that people are going to be sympathetic?  

If he actually is innocent, no one is going to care.  The king of pop is dead because his doctor f*cked up!! 

I think enough has been said here.  My advice to this poor excuse for a medical professional is to stop crying and man up to what you did.  

"I didn't kill him, the drug I gave him did!" 

Nicki MinOT

*cough, Minaj.

There isn't much to say here because the way I see it, Nicki is just a wannabe.  That's right.

She is the same thing as Lady Gaga, but in hip-hop form.  She is so focused on making her hair look like cotton candy--

Tomorrow I'll be BLUEBERRY!

  --and less concerned about making music.

Again, her music isn't bad.  It wouldn't be on the radio if it was bad (wait--what?!).  But take some of the crazy drive and put it into your tunes, and maybe it'll be TWICE as good.  

Besides, all of this weirdo style will eventually level out.  People won't be mesmerized by it forever, and they will learn to listen to the music instead of watching what flavor she chose to wear this week.

Lady Gag

Oh, wait, isn't it Gaga?

Let's just talk about her music for a minute.  It's catchy pop, which is totally fine with me, as long as  its good, which Gaga's music is.  So whenever I hear a tune by her on the radio, or playing from my iPod, I really do just--want to dance.  

I'm willing to overlook my doubts about her sanity and intelligence when I hear her mispronounce words (romance) or say her own name over and over (SO over the narcissist).  I'm even willing to ignore how eerily similar her musical style and physical appearance is to Madonna. is my problem with Gaga.  

She acts like a complete weirdo (dresses in bizarre clothes, has horns inserted into her forehead, calls her fans monsters, becomes a dude by get the picture here), yet her music is unexpectedly--


The music Gaga makes is so mainstream and pop-esque that I often wonder why she goes through all the trouble of acting like a person ten seconds away from being committed.  I get it, she wants to make a statement, but she is a musician, right?  Wouldn't it make more sense to make a statement with her albums?  Imagine how good it would be if she put all that effort into her music instead of her clothes and make-up.

I wonder-if someone like Britney Spears made Gaga-like music, would anyone pay more attention to her?  When it comes to music, I don't think so.  The music is still good, the only difference is-no one would be saying what a freak she is while they are entranced by her creepy onstage performances.

To sum it all up:  I don't appreciate the lack of correlation between Gaga's unique (if you can call it that) style and her music, which conforms so well to the other catchy material heard on mainstream radio.

I mean, what does that really go to show, anyway?   That musicians are attention whores, or that they are "trying to make a statement"?  Either way, they are selling their music because they are being weird.  It may be good, but without them acting like a bunch of crazies, people would treat it just like any other song on the radio.  

All you have to do to realize this is close your eyes, turn off the TV, and listen.

What's so wrong with selling music-just music?  Why is that no longer an option for some?  I understand you have to portray a certain image to grab some interest, or to complement your musical style.  After all, no one will buy an album from a dirty bum or nonchalant a**hole, but I don't think the image should be your MAIN selling point.  

If music isn't the main focus, then there is no longer a musician.  You have an artist, an actress, a model.  And there is nothing wrong with that, but please people, don't claim to be a music artist and then sell me your image instead of your song.

I mean, I tune in to the radio to listen to music, not see your rotting meat dress.

How bad do you think it smelled after an hour?


The Green Lantern-Enjoyable?

I refuse to lie to myself-or anyone else-and say this movie was good.

Yes, yes, I know everyone loves Ryan Reynolds.  In fact, I love Ryan Reynolds.  But just because someone is smoking hot, a seemingly good guy, and does plenty of rom-coms that bolster your belief they are either a good actor or everything they do is good, doesn't mean either is true.

To put it plainly-The Green Lantern sucked.  Don't get me wrong, I loved Sinestro and Ryan Reynolds (of course).  But it sucked.

The thing is, the people involved in making this movie somehow thought it was okay to cram ten thousand years of information into a ninety minute movie.  Instead of doing that, maybe leave out the last half and make it into a trilogy.  Don't get me wrong, only a half-wit wouldn't have been able to follow, but  it was like watching a flip book.  I couldn't take my eyes off the images that flew by in sixty seconds or less.

NEXT.  One of the things that bothered me most was the fact that the evil scientist's dad looked the same age as him.  How does that make sense?  Did the dad have the kid at age ten?  I don't think so.  Bad casting call, people.

ALSO-who else thought the love story was totally unnecessary?  All I kept thinking was:  when am I going to see Green Lantern kicking someone's ass again?  Besides-there wasn't enough development in their relationship to make me care if they were or weren't together.  All I got from the love crap was this:  he irritates her, he likes her, he saves her life, she likes him again.  I wanted to punch her out of the movie.

Okay, this one is major-I'm pretty sure all they did to make the giant monster was photoshop a giant bowl of chocolate spaghetti.  Was that supposed to be scary?  I got hungry everytime they showed it.  But, I do have to say-it was pretty cool when Ryan Reynolds punched it in the face.

What made me most mad about this movie was how the coolest character (Abin Sur) was dead after the first ten minutes.  I liked him so much in such  a short span of time, which  made me wonder-why couldn't they pull that off with the other characters?  

My final conclusion:  Green Lantern was enjoyable at best, but only because they cast a good-looking and lovable guy for the main character, and a beautiful young woman as his love interest.  

The rest was like Grapenuts-too damn condensed for its own good.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'd like to take your time for just a few seconds so that I can introduce myself.

First of all, I'm not that important.  I just have opinions.  I love playing devil's advocate, and hearing different points of view, but I am not too crazy about hateful debate.  So if you find the time to honor me with a reply or comment, I would greatly appreciate it if you kept snide, rude, or any other type of hateful language to yourself.  I might have some things to say that will enrage you, but its my blog, and I promise it won't be anything too bad.

Now that the boring crap is done, its time to get down to business.

This blog is dedicated to my blunt sense of style and thinking.  I have things to say, and although I have many outlets, I just needed one more.  I plan on critiquing, criticizing, and yes, even praising, anything from music, movies, musicians, and actors. 

I will be hard on everyone who deserves it, and that's because I tell it like it is.    

What's the point of sugarcoating (*cough, lying, cough*)?  

Now I invite you to read my posts and enjoy the myriad wonders of my mind.